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Three Bs
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Cat In Hat


Editor's Note

past issue

I wanted to bring this to your attention.

Alert: Six Billion People!

Web posted October 12, 1999.

It took All of Time for the world population to reach 2 billion humans in 1927, and then less than a lifetime to arrive at 6 billion. The United Nations decided last month that according to projections the world's population would reach that figure around October 12, so the symbolic 6th Billionth person, a baby boy in Bosnia, was chosen as the first to be born on the twelfth of October, 1999, at two minutes after midnight.  So can you gues how many people there are estimated to be alive today?  Check out the statistics!

More information regarding this subject can be found at:

Facing the Future: People and the Planet

Zero Population Growth

CNN's article