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Three Bs
Editor's Note
Cat In Hat

"It rains gently upon the city" - Arthur Rimbaud
The author, Paul Verlaine.
The Book, Lovesongs Without Words (1874).

There is weeping in my heart
As it rains upon the city,
What is this faintness (languor)
Which penetrates my heart?

Oh gentle clatter of the rain
Through ground and over the roofs!
For a heart which is bored,
Oh the song of the rain!

There is weeping without reason
In this heart which is disgusted.
What! no treason?
This mourning is without reason.

It is good the worst pain
Has no knowledge of why,
Without love and without hate,
My heart has so much from pain!

Go to this poem in French.
Return to Writer's Box.
Return to Paul Verlaine.

This poem's first three stanza's are rhyming hexasyllables in the native tongue. Even if you don't know French, I urge you to take another look, this time in its original language, which is also located on the Anne'Xed Network.   It really is much better en francais.