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Cat In Hat

* Dr. Seuss National Memorial *


If you can verify or clarify Anonymous authors, have additions, or just want to let me know what you think of this Dr. Seuss Parodies Page, please e-mail me.  Parodies listed below are grouped by Originals, General, Classic Writings, Television Shows, & Political Celebrities.   Enjoy!

* A Dr. Seuss Wedding, by Kimm Minkler
* Dr. Seuss on Y2K by Jenine Stanley
* The Pentium Problem Explained (How the Grinch stole our vision of perfect objects) by Peter Coffee
* The Rat in the Vat (or Redneck Rainy Day: A Tribute to the late Dr. Seuss) by Stephanie Calabria
* On the problem of North-Going Zaxen by Miles O'Neal
The Dr. Seuss Purity Test (PG-13, content) by William Elton
* The Cat In The Hat (R, language, mature readers only) by Robin Ogden. Commentary:   Although unverified, this work likely originated in the UK.  This conclusion was reached by the different spellings of various words between Bristish English and American English.

* Dr. Seuss On The Golden Years, Author Unknown
* Dr. Seuss Wedding Vows, Author Unknown
* Dr. Seuss Young Person's Sad Story, Author Unknown
* Rejected Dr. Seuss Books, Author Unknown
* AOL and Spam spoof by Anne Mackie
* Spam-I-Am!, Author Unknown
* What If Dr. Seuss Wrote Technical Manuals? Author/s Unknown (see below)
* What If Dr. Seuss Did Technical Writing?, by Gene Ziegler (This is the original, complete version.  The one above is a slight variation.)
* The Gradation of Socks, Author Unknown

Classic Writings
* The New Testament according to Dr. Seuss, Author/s: Unknown (but reportedly, The Kids in the Hall)
* The Inferno: A New Translation by John Coughlin
* If Dr. Seuss wrote Shakespeare, Author Unknown

Television Shows
* If Dr. Seuss had written for ER by Brent Fogel
* If Dr. Suess had written for Babylon 5 by Kevin Freels
* If Dr. Seuss wrote for Star Trek: The Next Generation by Adrian Gilbert

Political Celebrities
* Dr. Seuss takes a look at election officials, Author Unattributed
* Florid-uh's Recount Number One, Author Unknown (A slight variation of the one below.)
* Florid-uh's Recount, Author Unknown
* Your 15 minutes are up!, Author Unknown
* How the Gingrich Stole Congress by The Capitol Steps
* Green Egg on His Face by Dale Connelly
* 'Twas The Night Before Impeachment, Author Unknown
* President Clinton's Grand Jury Testimony, Author Unknown
* Starr I Are by Tom Tomorrow
* The OJ Simpson Trial, Author Unknown
* Real fish, Fake fish, just one quick question


The above information came verbatim from folks around the globe via newspaper articles to e-mail messages.  Research on the Internet concluded no pages, links or urls contained all of the above information and therefore warranted this page's existence.  If you agree or disagree, please e-mail with your comments. All products, brands, names, characters, prose and related indicia are copyrighted, trademarked and registered trademarks of their respective owners.  Anne'Xed Network is not sponsored, affiliated or endorsed in anyway by Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P.